SATs Week is in May
Year 6 SATs Dates – May 2025
SATS 2025 DATES: Year 6 SATs will take place during the week starting May 12th 2025
Below, are the dates for Year 6 SATs week for 2025. If you are a parent looking for year 6 SATs resources to help your child to revise and prepare for the 2025 Year 6 SATs week, check out Year 6 Buddy. It consists of revision videos and tests covering all Year 6 Maths and English topics, and is aligned with the Year 6 Learning Objectives and the Year 6 National Curriculum. If you are a teacher looking for help for your Year 6 class for Year 6 SATs 2025, check out SATs Boot Camp.
KS2 Year 6 SATs Dates - May 2025
Date | Test |
Monday 12th May 2025 | Grammar & Punctuation test - 45 minutes Spelling Test - 20 minutes |
Tuesday 13th May 2025 | English Reading Test - 60 minutes |
Wednesday 14th May 2025 | Mathematics Arithmetics (Paper 1) - 30 minutes Mathematics Reasoning (Paper 2) - 40 minutes |
Thursday 15th May 2025 | Mathematics Reasoning (Paper 3) - 40 minutes |

Get ready for Year 6 SATs 2025
If you’ve found yourself asking ‘when are SATs in 2025’, or ‘how can I help my child revise for SATs week in 2025’, then you’ve come to the right place. On this page, you’ll find all the information you need about when SATs take place and how you can help your child prepare for their exams.
In 2025, Year 6 SATs week will take place on the week beginning Monday 12th May. The SATs tests will take place throughout the week, starting on Monday 12th and ending on Thursday 15th May.
What are SATs?
SATs (Standard Assessment Tests) are tests taken to assess the progress of a child’s learning. At primary schools, SATs tests are taken in Year 2 and Year 6. This website is focused on Year 6 SATs, which take place in May every year.
SATs allow teachers to learn more about the strengths and weaknesses of each child in their class. Plus, the assessments also allow teachers to compare each child with other children in their class and with their peers across the country.
In addition, SATs are also useful for assessing the progress of a child as they move from one Key Stage to another (hence why they happen at the end of Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2).
Also, SATs are also used by local authorities and the Department for Education to identify schools that are struggling or performing well.
When do Year 6 SATs take place?
Year 6 SATs always take place in May. In the case of SATs in 2025, SATs week will begin on Monday 12th May. This means that children have all of the academic year to prepare for their SATs.
During KS2 SATs, Year 6 children are tested on their understanding of various English and Maths topics.
When are Year 6 SATs Results released?
Although the SATs dates for 2025 are in May, the test results are not released until towards the end of the summer term. This is because even though the SATs tests are taken within the classroom, they are marked externally.
Once the results have been returned, parents are given a report that shows their child’s raw score (the actual number of marks they got), their scaled score (which allows for comparison with all other children across the country who took the same test), and whether or not they have achieved the national standard.
But, please be aware that different schools communicate Year 6 SATs results in different ways. So, if you have any questions about when you can expect to see your child’s SATs results, or what they mean, then contact your child’s school directly.
Helping children prepare for SATs
Teachers will often use past SATs practice papers to help children in their class prepare for their assessments. Taking these practice papers and learning about the questions that have been asked previously will help children feel more comfortable with the exams that they’re about to take.
As a parent there’s a lot you can do to help your child prepare for their exams before the SATs test dates come around in May. As well as helping them complete their homework throughout the year, you can help your child revise for their SATs as it gets closer to Year 6 SATs week. Helping them revise little and often is much better than stressing them out with long revision sessions.
It’s important to make sure that you don’t place too much pressure on your child. The more relaxed you are, the more relaxed your child will be, which means they are likely to perform better during SATs week.
If you need some help doing revision with your child, then you can use SATs Boot Camp to help them revise. This will take you through everything that your child needs to know before Year 6 SATs week in May 2025.
What SATs papers do children take?
Children take the same Year 6 SATs paper type every year, and they always take the papers in the same order.
On the first day of Year 6 SATs dates for 2025, children will take two SATs English papers. These are the English Spag Paper 1, which focuses on short answer questions, and English Spag Paper 2, which is a spelling test. On the second day of SATs, they will take the English Reading Paper, which will conclude their English tests.
On the third day of SATs week, children take two Maths SATs papers. These are Mathematics Arithmetic (Paper 1) and Mathematics Reasoning (Paper 2).
On the fourth day of SATs week, children take their final SATs paper: Mathematics Reasoning (Paper 3).